Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Now the real work begins... STEP 3

I know... I know... Its been a while since we've talked. Sorry about that... I have been busy busy busy. But I have something to show for absence; its really great news... I am now legally a record label owner in the state of Illinois. Yes!!! I recieved my certification papers in the mail this week. I am so excited about this its something that I have looked forward to since my teen years. But the crazy thing about it is, that was the easy part... Now the real work begins. I have to invest my mind, my money, and my time into this business venture more now than ever before. It is my long term goal raise the bar for record labels and to bring Chicago Music to a higher level nationally... Seems impossible right?... To quote Nelson Mandela "It always seems impossible until its done." So here I go attempting to do the impossible... Who's with me? It won't be easy and it won't happen over night. It will take committment and dedication, but I am in it to win it so I'll just have to endur until the end. "Some people pray for lighter burdens... I pray for a stronger back" Peace & Blessings

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" ~ Lao Tzu Today I received a letter in the mail from a Publishing Company located in downtown Chicago. This document stated that I can make transactions and conduct business under the business name that I applied for in my last/first blog. WOW!!! That is another step in the direction that I want to go... I am on my way. Another goal that I have reached recently is the in-home studio that I officially finished building. I have all the basic necessities that I need to create, edit, and record music. Of course the equipment that I am currently using can and one day will be upgraded... like I said I have the basics. LOL!!! I am very proud of where I am and I am even more excited about where I am going... Oh yeah one more thing I have made my final decision on a logo for the company. The graphic design artist did a wonderful job interpreting the idea that I had and brought it to life beautifully. Everything is coming together; I am thankful and grateful for that. I ended my day with a pizza (not delivery... DiGiorno) and oven baked french fries. There are instances on this journey I don't have time to sit down for a three course meal, sometimes I need something to grab and go to keep a steady pace... Pizza and fries always do the trick. "Believe in your dreams, for even those that seem out of reach, are safe in unseen hands". ~ Unknown

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Journey Begins

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" ~ Lao Tzu Yesterday I took the first step of a long and soon to be successful journey. I went downtown Chicago to file documents to make this business venture legal. I have mixed emotions about this, because on one hand I am happy that I did it and I am headed in the direction to fulfill my dream, on the other hand I feel that this is something that I should have done a long time ago. But now that I express these feelings aloud, I realize that everything happens in its own time, the way that it should happen. I am grateful in more ways than one for this reality. Yesterday I also had to publish a legal notice in a Chicago newspaper. I never published anything in a newspaper before... but then again I'm sure that on this journey I will be doing a lot of things I've never done. A light bulb just came on in my head and it is shining down on the fact that... the only way a person can grow and make progress in life is by doing things that they have never done. After my downtown adventure I celebrated my first day of official business by eating one of Chicago's famous italian beef sandwiches and a gyro with extra tzatziki aka cucumber sauce. Yeah, I know that a lot of food, but I need to fuel up for the journey ahead. "Believe in your dreams, for even those that seem out of reach, are safe in unseen hands". ~ Unknown